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Mechanical Cleaning Solutions

The best method of cleaning the pipeline is using pigs and different types of pigs can be used to cleaning the pipelines with different mediums. The best way to clean the pipelines using pigs is to start progressively and the series of pigs can be used to really achieve the best cleaning of the pipelines. The first pig to put in the pipeline is foam pigs. The low density, medium density an high density foam pigs can be used to start the operations which will establish pipeline pigability. Upon receiving the foam pigs and depending upon the condition of foam pigs , further pigs can be launched. The pigs to be launched can be brush pigs, batch pigs and disc pigs to push the debris loosen by the brush pigs. This operation can be continued for no of runs and every run you can evaluate by measuring debris coming out after each run. You can record the debris received after each run and can be recorded. This will help to understand if the debris is reducing and the pattern of debris can be plotted. The process can be repeated till you receive less debris and the pigs start to come out clean. The wear on pigs also needs to be observed as they will wear a lot when the pipeline is dirty and start wearing less as the pipeline starts getting clean.

The mechanical way to clean the pipeline is to runs series of different types of pigs and monitor debris coming out. This can be done using foam pigs, brush pigs, cups pigs, Bi-Di pigs with brush and other aggressive cleaning pigs. You can also couple two pigs to get better and effective cleaning, this is called coupled pigs. This will help in reducing no of pig runs there by giving better results. These pigs can be used for longer section pipelines.